Saturday, April 6, 2013

Smile! It is the Best First Impression to Make.

First impressions are everything. By first glance a person will pass their judgment on you just by the way you look at that moment in time when they first see you. When going into an important job interview they always say make a good first impression because that is what stays in there head. But why it is when a person with a tattoo comes in to apply for a job and goes into for an interview they automatically make a bad first impression? If their resume is the exact same as they person sitting next to them, why is it that the person without tattoos will get the job?
            While tattoos are becoming more up and coming in today’s society a lot of companies are still extremely closed minded to their employees having them. If a person comes into an interview with a tattoo they are most likely not going to get the job. Even if they have all the qualifications to have the job they will not get the job because in the corporate world appearance in everything to them. It all comes down to what you are wearing and how you are going to represent the company. Now a day people are so caught up in appearance they could care less if you ever had the qualifications for the job!
            It is sickening to the fact that someone will not be hired because of their tattoo, this just shows that a company will hire over appearance instead of qualification. An employer would rather you have your tattoo removed instead of hiring you; in comparison to just hiring you because you are qualified (Tattoo Removal). Tattoo removal is not the solution to the problem. It is a serious procedure and needs a lot of thought into before going through with it. At first glance you can be the best person for the job, but as soon as that ink is shown on your skin judgments and opinions will get passed. Make sure your first impression is the best impression.

"Tattoo Removal Company Is All about Changing Lives." ABI/INFORM Complete. McClatchy - Tribune Information Services, 5 Nov. 2012. Web. 6 Apr. 2013. <>.

This article from a data base talks about a company that deals with tattoo removal. This is a very credible source because I found it on the East Carolina University library database. The database focuses on a store owner who deals with removing tattoos and is business. The author is not given to know if the author themselves is credible or not.  This source as a whole can be extremely useful because it comes off a database.  

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