Saturday, April 6, 2013

What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?

Do you know what you want to do for the rest of your life? Well if you do that’s great, but if you don’t then you need to think long and hard before you get a tattoo. Depending on what you want to do with the rest of your life and where you work and depending on the tattoo placement you cannot be hired for a job because of that. Getting a tattoo requires a lot of thought. Before putting permanent ink onto your body make sure you think about your future and if having a tattoo in a certain place is appropriate for what you would like to do later in life.
            As time changes, companies are changing their dress codes, but they are still strict when it comes to tattoos (Body Art). A rule that seems to be pretty general in all work places is the “Don’t Show, Don’t Tell” policy. If a tattoo cannot be seen when wearing appropriate dress attire then do not tell anyone you have a tattoo (Body Art). Companies these days also go with the as-long-as-they-cannot-see-the-tattoo-then-they-have-no-problem-with-you-having-it approach. Even though companies may be changing their dress codes you still need to think long and hard about the placement of a future tattoo.
            Also evaluate what you want to do with your life because the judgment of having a tattoo is all based upon where you choose to work. If you are looking to do something in the music and arts environment as jobs then they are more accepting of you having a tattoo (Body Art). If you wish to become a business man and work on Wall Street one day they do not like tattoos showing at all (Body Art). They want to keep it extremely professional and they feel tattoos are unacceptable. It all depends on placement and environment when having a tattoo; just make sure you think long and hard about it before you actually put the ink onto your body.

"Body Art and Tattoos in the Workplace | Fox News." Fox News. FOX News Network, 21 Oct. 2006. Web. 06 Apr. 2013.

This article talks about having tattoos in the workplace and in different work environments. This source is credible because it is an article coming from the Fox News website. The author for the article is not given, so information to tell if the author is credible is not applicable. This website is a good source because it is coming from a very popular new website that is used by thousands of people. People such as employers or people who have tattoos would be interested in this article because it tells them what some professions think about having tattoos.

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